
Olga Gnatyuk
PhD in Philosophy, Doctor of Sociological sciences, Professor of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles. Professor of PR department of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I.Herzen.
The author of more than 250 works, including monographs, tutorials, guidance manuals, chapters of textbooks, articles in the central scientific magazine "Sociological Researches", "Herald of the Moscow State University Bulletin" (series 12, 18), "Herald of the St-Petersburg State University", "Legal Science","Veche.The almanac of Russian Philosophy and Culture"• Certificate of appreciation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
• Laureate of the All-Russia competition of the Foundation for development of domestic education with assistance of the State Academy of Sciences "Russian Academy of Education" for the best scientific book of 2008 among teachers of higher educational institutions.
• Winner of "RSEP" programme, Harward University.