Philosophy of political science. Axiodemia
Ph.D. in philosophical sciences, an associated professor at St.-Petersburg University of culture and arts, an art historian, a member of the International association of historians of art and art critics.
Problems of the modern time. Axiodemia. Giloyan A.
Is a philosopher and a writer-futurologist.
Interview with Baburin Sergey Nikolayevich and Nikolayev Oleg Alexandrovich.
Doctor of Philosophy, professor, honorary worker of the Higher school of the Russian Federation
Honorary professor of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I.Herzen.
Ph.D. in Economics, an associated professor of St.-Petersburg State Agrarian University.
The author of monographs "Economics and noosphere" and "Scientific and methodological support of state management".
PhD in History, journalist
The author of monograph “Pskov Court Muniment and the 1st Lithuanian Statute”.
The author of more than 50 scientific and popular scientific works on historic and legal agenda.
Russian political figure (Moscow), Chief of the department of the State Duma administration for public relations and mass media.
PhD in Phychology, Head of the Laboratory of social and political technologies "AMP SPb", lecturer of St.-Petersburg State University and St.-Petersburg National Research University "Higher School of Economics".
Ph.D. in sociological sciences, an associated professor. An associated professor of the public relations department of the Russian State Hydrometeorological University (St.-Petersburg).
PhD in History, an associate professor, a member of the Union of Journalists of St.-Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.
First deputy head of the Department of labour and population employment of Moscow.
A titular member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, of the Technology Academy of the Russian Federation, of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts, of the International Academy of Ecology, Man and Nature Protection Sciences.
An expert of the Committee for economic policy, investment development and entrepreneurship of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
Ph.D. in philosophical sciences, an associated professor at St.-Petersburg University of culture and arts, an art historian, a member of the International association of historians of art and art critics.
Philosopher, PhD in Pholosophy, Professor of Moscow State Construction University.
Professor of the National Research Institute of the Higher School of Economics, full member (academician) of the National Academy of Social Technologies
Russian diplomat and public figure, politilogist,Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the 5th convocation, Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, General Director of the "Institute for political researches" LLC.
Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St.-Petersburg of the fifth convocation.
The chairman of St.-Petersburg Department of the Association of employees in the sphere of the youth, a senior lecturer of St.-Petersburg State Institute of psychology and social work.
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Okay, but these questions they have to answer are testing just knowledge. How can you...
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Many of your ideas about architecture are interesting, but is it not too much to...
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I completely agree that we need a radical land reform, but how can you do...
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I can agree with the idea that science should be more important in our world....
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The three polar world in understandable, but I do not understand how you can reduce...
PJ 00:07, 21.01.2016
What kind of political system can ensure the peace and the will of the people?...
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Business interests are steering much of the politics instead of the interests of the people,...
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What education has been used for today? Are kids around the globe being educated to fit...
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